COVID-19 Food Systems Resources

The entire purpose for launching FRESH was to better connect food resources and people around the Circumpolar North. When we began this project a few years ago, we thought about the big, hairy challenges of the world and all the amazing humans working to fill the gaps. Hunger, inequity, broken supply chains - the list of ills goes on and none of them are simple or singular in nature. However, after a collective 20+ years working in food systems, we know that there is so much daily good in the world of food!

We’re seeing the very best of so many people across the world right now, as we work to halt the spread of COVID-19. Stories abound of everyday heroes, bringing groceries to those in need, performing essential duties to keep our communities running and healthy (shoutout to food workers, healthcare teams, and sanitation folks!), creating accurate and insightful content, and above all staying home for the greater good.

To do our part to create relevant and helpful content, we’ve got a few things cooking. Our nascent radio show, The Polar Potluck, will cover COVID-19 and Food in the coming weeks, most recently food safety and food business. Below is a list of food systems resources, related to the COVID-19 public health crisis. We will periodically update this list as we learn of new resources*. If you have a something helpful to share, send it over to Thanks for reading, sharing, and doing your part. We’re all in this together and you can count on a heck of a celebration when we’re finally out of the woods - with local, homegrown cookery of course! Our best wishes to you and yours - be well friends and good luck with the quarantine cooking.

Yours in good food and solidarity,
Liz & Rachael

*Parts of this list were sourced from CommonWealth Kitchen’s new publication “Running a Food Business in the face of COVID-19 Resource Guide”. While some are location-specific, it does contain helpful content such as HR/employee management, alternative revenue, cutting costs, and capital/financial impacts.


  1. Alaska Farmers Market Association

    1. 2020 virtual conference (free for all!) April 3-4

  2. Alaska Food Hub - Buy and sell produce, meat, eggs, seafood, flowers, and more in a digital marketplace

  3. American Farmland Trust Farmer Relief Fund - Cash grants up to $1,000 each, for farms between $10,000 - $1M in sales.

  4. Community Farm Alliance - COVIS-19 resources

  5. Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development - Novel Coronavirus Prevention & Control for Farms

  6. Niche Meat Processors Association - COVID-19 resources


  1. CarryoutAK - Find curbside, takeout, and delivery in your area.

  2. Edible Alaska’s Support907 - Alaska-wide, a list of currently operating food businesses operating, sometimes with great deals!

Food Assistance

  1. Anchorage School District Nutrition Services - For children ages 18 years or younger ASD Student Nutrition will provide free food beginning Monday, March 16 through Friday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

    1. Maps and distribution locations

  2. Fairbanks Community Food Bank

  3. Food Bank of Alaska

    1. Anchorage Mobile Food Pantry

    2. Updates on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and COVID-19.

      1. For SNAP help - Text SNAP to (907)891-8913 and follow the prompts.

  4. Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

  5. Kenai Peninsula Food Bank (Soldotna)

  6. St. Francis House Food Pantry

  7. Southeast Alaska Food Bank (Juneau)

Food Business & Workers

  1. Alaska Small Business Development Center COVID-19 resource center - Business training and consulting services. Due to COVID-19, all Alaska SBDC on-demand workshops are being offered at no cost.

  2. Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development - COVID-19 loans and resources

  3. Bartender’s Emergency Assistance Program - For bartenders or spouses and children of bartenders experiencing hardship due to COVID-19.

  4. Brewer’s Association - COVID-19 resources & industry updates

  5. Fisherman technology - Offering free website services and assistance setting up takeout/delivery for any restaurant for the next six months.

  6. The James Beard Foundation Food and Beverage Industry Relief Fund - Launching soon, sign up for their newsletter.

  7. KIVA - 0% interest loans for US entrepreneurs.

  8. Facebook Small Business grants - Opening soon, Facebook is offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses.

  9. Offline2On - Connects merchants with the resources, developers, platforms, and partners they need to take action.

  10. Restaurant Employee Relief Fund - Through this Fund, grants will be made to restaurant industry employees who have demonstrated being financially impacted by COVID-19, whether through a decrease in wages or loss of employment. 

  11. Restaurant Strong Fund - Fund in progress. Goal to provide $1,000 grants to as many qualifying grantees as possible to full time, tipped restaurant workers.

  12. Square POS system immediate support - They are waiving curbside pickup and delivery fees for the next three months.

  13. United States Small Business Administration - Economic injury and express loans for businesses impacted by COVID-19.

Food Safety

  1. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services - Updates on health mandates, alerts, and preparedness content.

  2. Center for Disease Control & Prevention - COVID-19 response page, resources for businesses and employers

  3. Marion Nestle’s Food Politics Blog - “Is it safe to eat fresh produce? Yes (with caveats)

  4. Serious Eats - “Food Safety and Corononavirus: A Comprehensive Guide”

Mental Health Services

  1. Alaska Community Mental Health Trust Authority

    1. Anxious about the coronavirus? Need someone to talk to? The Alaska Careline is a great resource. Call anytime, toll-free: 1-877-266-4357 (HELP)

  2. Anchorage Municipality & DHHS - Human services community resource list for homeless prevention & essential services (PDF)

Additional Resources

  1. Alaska 211 - United Way’s hotline to be connected with resources for jobs, food, substance abuse, housing, taxes, and more.